Tips to Avoid Getting Hacked

SujonTechnical Analysis3 days ago9 Views

Tips to Avoid Getting Hacked

Data security is a primary concern these days for businesses and consumers alike. By some accounts, data breaches have surged by more than 400 percent over the past year alone, and chances are they’re going to grow more common in the years to come. No person or company is invulnerable to attacks. In fact, an estimated one in five businesses is hacked each year, and at least one in three consumers is bound to become a victim.

Wrongdoers are constantly coming up with new ways to attack victims. Though new preventative measures are continually being developed, it doesn’t take long for hackers to find ways around them. With that being the case, taking measures to protect sensitive information is crucial. Keep the following points in mind for keeping hackers at bay.

Use Secure Channels

For one, be sure to only use secure channels when sharing sensitive information. Use virtual private networks when possible. They encrypt users’ data and hide their IP addresses, identities, and other details. Use protected client or customer portals when they’re available rather than sharing information via other methods. When sending sensitive information via fax, only use trusted platforms that use multiple layers of protection to keep users safe. Digital and cloud faxing have been proven far more secure than conventional fax machines. Those added measures will go a long way toward keeping your information from falling into the wrong hands.

Create Strong Passwords

Creating strong passwords for online accounts is also essential. That means avoiding common phrases and number sequences and staying away from passwords hackers could easily guess. Additionally, avoid using the same password for multiple accounts even if it’s strong and extremely complex. On the offhand chance that it falls into the hands of a hacker, that person would then have access to all the accounts you’re using that password for. Consider changing your passwords often as well. Complex passwords are more difficult to remember, and constantly changing them makes matters even more complicated, but the extra protection is well worth the trouble.

Avoid Questionable Emails

Avoiding questionable emails is another way to protect yourself. Recent reports show that approximately 75 percent of cyberattacks start with emails. Think twice before opening emails from sources you don’t recognize, and stay away from those with no subject or body. That’s especially true of emails that have attachments because those attachments most likely contain malware. Many people have become quite proficient at spotting suspicious emails these days, but some wrongdoers go to great lengths to make their malicious emails convincing. If you have any doubts about an email, don’t hesitate to err on the side of caution and simply delete it.

Don’t Ignore Updates

Updates are crucial for ensuring your devices, operating systems, and apps work properly. They’re also essential for keeping you safe. One of the ways hackers attack their victims is by learning all they can about the weaknesses in different systems and apps. From there, they use that knowledge against you. On the other side of that story, system and app developers continually improve their products to more effectively thwart hackers. By keeping up with the latest updates, you can stay a step ahead of wrongdoers.

Protecting Your Sensitive Information

Cyberattacks are at an all-time high right now, and they’re only going to grow more common moving forward. No one is invulnerable to hackers, but there are ways to keep your sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands. Only use secure channels when sending sensitive information. Use strong passwords and change them frequently. Avoid suspicious emails, and don’t overlook the importance of keeping your devices and software up to date. All those measures can protect you against theft, identity fraud, and other issues.

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