43 Spring Activities for Kids That Make Learning Bloom

SujonEducation20 hours ago5 Views

Spring is on the horizon, and with it, comes the arrival of sunnier days, flowers in bloom, and chirping birds. Channel that energy into bold and beautiful spring activities for school! It’s the perfect season for outdoor adventures, hands-on classroom projects, and creative expression.

Brighten your room with a spring bulletin board featuring kindness-themed writing prompts. Or, spark creativity with spring art projects and reinforce learning with seasonal math and science printables. However you celebrate the season’s renewal, it’s sure to be a memorable and colorful experience for your students.

Create a buzz with STEM spring activities

As soon as spring arrives, kids get antsy — the sun is shining, and the urge to be outside is real! Explore how spring brings the world back to life through themed STEM projects for kids. From flowers to bugs and birds, the season offers endless themes to enrich your lessons.

  • Investigate how flowers absorb water: Explore how flowers absorb water and change color by putting them in a glass with water and food coloring. 
  • Build a nest: Use engineering principles to help your elementary students build a nest out of twigs and leaves. 
  • Measure rainfall together: Put a clear container outside your classroom window and have students measure and graph the rainfall over a week. 

Research the plant life cycle together

The life cycle of a plant is one that you’ll encounter many times in elementary school from 3rd grade on. Align with NGSS by exploring the plant life cycle as you watch plants grow, use worksheets to identify plant parts, or create books about plants. 


Plant Life Cycle
By Karen Jones
Grades: PreK-2nd

Use this fun craftivity to teach your students about the life cycle of a plant. This resource includes three versions, so you can differentiate based on the needs of your students.

Make math bloom with themed worksheets

Keep students engaged in math lessons by adding a spring theme to your worksheets. When students finish their work, they can color in spring decorations on the page to make their math pop. 


Crack the Code Math Spring Edition Addition and Subtraction No Prep
By Primary Playground
Grades: K-1st

This packet includes 10 self-checking puzzles for students to practice addition and subtraction. Each cracked code features a spring-themed joke your kids will love.


Spring Math Task Cards Addition and Subtraction Word Problems for 1st Grade
By Teach Me T
Grades: 1st
Standards: CCSS 1.OA.A.1, 1.OA.A.2, 1.OA.C.5

Word problems that cover unknowns, deciphering, and addends use kid-friendly language and spring-time scenarios covering both addition and subtraction. These task cards feature 18 problems for reviewing math principles, a recording sheet, and an answer key. 


Spring Math & Literacy Printables {1st Grade} PDF & Digital Ready!
By Searching for Silver
Grades: K-2nd
Standards: CCSS K.CC.A.1, A.2, A.3

Spring is the theme for these worksheets covering everything from addition to money math. These standards-based worksheets are great for independent math, guided math, morning work, homework, and more. The set includes printables covering math and literacy skills for 1st graders, advanced kindergarteners, or review for 2nd graders.

Inspect pollination through classroom research

The fascinating art of pollination is brought to life during spring. Have students investigate how flowers and insects work together to spread pollen and grow plants. Give them a deeper understanding of nature’s process through observations, discussions, and experiments designed with NGSS and CCSS in mind. 


Spring STEM Activities Butterfly Math
By Simply STEAM
Grades: 2nd-3rd
Standards: CCSS 2.NBT.B.5,B.7; 3.NBT.A.2

Students create a pollinator and mimic pollination by catapulting a toy into a flower with this project. In addition to the challenges, the bundle has a reading passage and answer key, along with an A-E-I-O-U reflection page.

Construct the code for a rainy day

Get ready to wow your students with the creative world of coding. Whether you’re creating simple programs, solving spring-themed puzzles, or giving HTML commands, students develop problem-solving skills by mixing spring and computer science. 


Computer Coding Spring Activities Scratch April May Seesaw Code Digital
By Miss Tech Queen STEM
Grades: 2nd-5th

With the Seesaw Version, students get access to nine different versions and a coding video. They can review coding vocabulary terms and movable drag definitions. Google and Microsoft versions are also available. 

Bring the sounds of spring into your classroom with musical spring activities

Spring is a musical time of the year. Just step out onto a quiet playground, and you’ll hear the bees buzzing and the birds singing. Try these easy spring activities for kids: 

  • Host an outside dance party: Grab a speaker and have a dance party with spring songs. 
  • Have a rainy day stomp: Play some spring rain songs and have students use their bodies to mimic the sounds through clapping, stomping, and snapping. 
  • Compose a thunderstorm: Have students use clapping, stomping, drumming, and whistling to create the sounds of a thunderstorm. 
  • Craft a spring song: Pull out the spring vocabulary list and have students work on their rhyming skills to create fun spring songs using these words. It’s a great time to connect spring to National Poetry Month activities for kids, as well. 
  • Create a springtime symphony: Take students outside and have them listen to the different sounds of birds, crickets, bugs, etc. Then, have them use their bodies, voices, and instruments to recreate the sounds of nature. 

Spring into creativity with fresh arts and crafts projects

Snow is out: It’s time for flowers, birds, and green grass to decorate your room! And there is no better way to decorate than having your class create some spring art. 

Create a colorful spring classroom 

Decorate your door or bulletin board with flowers and leaf crafts. You might also use these elementary art projects to create a spring-themed door. 

  • Design a paper plate bouquet: Celebrate spring by having kids create flowers from paper plates and attach them to straws to create a bouquet. 
  • Create spring stamps: Use a celery stalk to create a stamp with paint to make flowers. 
  • Paint with Ffowers: Have students pick and bring various spring flowers and leaves. Use the flowers to paint with on the paper. 
  • Remaster spring with a collage: Allow students to bring in leaves, flowers, etc. Glue them onto a piece of paper. 

Try these egg-citing spring holiday crafts for school

Spring is more than just bright colors and the shining sun, students also get to celebrate different holidays this time of year. Even if you can’t celebrate secular spring holidays in your school, you can still tap into their themes or work in non-secular holidays like Earth Day activities for elementary learners

  • Give your students a little luck: Have students create gold coins and paper leprechauns to hang from the ceiling in your class. 
  • Decorate glow-in-the-dark eggs: Paint hard-boiled eggs or white egg cut-outs with glow-in-the-dark paint and have a glow day to celebrate new life. 
  • Design story stones: Paint stones with spring pictures and let students use them to create original stories. 
  • Make a handmade finger heart card: Have students use their thumbprints to create hearts for cards. 
  • Build a flower frame: Use spring flower petals to paint frames. Add an outdoor picture to the frame. 
  • Construct a seed bomb: Use clay, soil, and wildflower seeds to create a seed bomb that kids can throw around the neighborhood for Earth Day. 
  • Assemble earth day posters: Have students use recycled materials like bottle caps, paper, etc. to make Earth Day posters. 
  • Create tissue paper flowers: Create colorful tissue paper flowers and decorations for the classroom. 
  • Design a thank-you collage: Tear up red, white, and blue construction paper to create a collage of a flag that could commemorate Memorial Day. 

Explore ELA with a spring-scented twist

Add fresh color to your lessons with creative language arts activities that put a spring in your students’ ELA assignments. Inspire a new beginning in their young minds with these ideas:

  • Write nature poems: Take students outside and have them use what they hear, see, and feel to create a short poem. 
  • Create a spring vocab scavenger hunt: Give the kids a list of spring words and have them find them inside or outside of the school. 
  • Start springtime rhymes: Say a word related to spring and have the students say a word that rhymes with it. For example, you say “tree” and the kids say, “bee.” 

Plant the seeds of reading through simple sequencing activities

Spring is a perfect theme for emergent readers, especially for sequencing activities. These elementary staples help readers recognize patterns, understand story structure, and strengthen their abilities to follow narratives. Use these activities to help build critical thinking and problem-solving in the classroom. 


ESL Spring Emergent Reader- Planting Seeds Level C PreK, Kindergarten, First
By Jill Richardson
Grades: PreK-1st

This spring-themed emergent reader about planting seeds includes a seven-page book and a sequencing printable. You’ll also have access to a large copy for display. 

Spring into sight words activities

There are certain words that kids need to know without trying to sound them out. However, finding ways to help them master those can get a little redundant. Keep it fresh by using spring themes to build their confidence and mastery. 


Spring Color by Sight Words
By Anna Elizabeth
Grades: K-2nd
Standards: CCSS RF.1.3, 1.4

The printable includes eight worksheets and answer keys for words like “about,” “also,” “if,” “his,” and more. Teachers can easily print them out during morning prep or for filler on the fly. 

Create something new with writing prompts and editing activities

Welcome the season of growth by trying out fun writing prompts. You might have your kids imagine what it’s like to be a busy bee or the feeling of being a blooming flower. You can even decorate your classroom with flowers, insects, birds, and more. The power of expression and creativity is ready to bloom! 

March April Spring Writing Prompts Activity Spring Bulletin Board Craftivity
By The Little Ladybug Shop
Grades: 3rd-5th

This spring-theme writing craftivity is perfect to help you grow your students as writers and includes pennants you can use for a unique spring bulletin board display. The packet has more than 70 pages for you to enjoy but the product is not editable. 


Spring Bulletin Board Ideas March Spring Door Decor w/ Printable Letters
By Tanya G Marshall The Butterfly Teacher
Grades: 3rd-5th

This 26-page printable includes flower writing templates, spring kindness writing ideas, and step-by-step instructions for crafting a bulletin board your kids will love. It can also work as door decor. 


Spring Writing Capitalization and Punctuation Practice | Mini Paragraph Editing
By K-2 to the Core
Grades: 1st-2nd
Standards: CCSS RF.1.1, 1.1a, 1.3

These engaging, no-prep activities will help your students practice reading, writing, capitalization, punctuation, and sight words all at the same time. You get anchor charts, answer keys, and themed cover pages for students to make their own books. 

Get students moving through outdoor spring activities for school

It’s time to take the kids outside for a little learning. From math to science, spring brings fresh ideas to get all your elementary students moving. 

  • Analyze bugs in an adventure: Take students on a nature walk to observe bug habitats. 
  • Seek your shadow: Students can track their shadows at different times of day. 
  • Move around for math: Have students solve math problems for clues to a spring scavenger hunt in the class or out on the playground. 
  • Celebrate the coming of spring: Throw the sidewalk chalk in a bucket and allow students to create springtime murals. 
  • Share a spring fling: Take the kids outside and do elementary PE games and outdoor sports like teamwork challenges and relay races. 
  • Explore the blooms: Choose a flower or plant and have the students track its growth. 
  • Bask with the birds: Have the kids observe the birds daily. They can even put out seeds to bring in more birds. 
  • Walk around with weather wizards: Observe the different types of spring weather. Grab weathervanes and thermometers to add science to the mix. 

Embrace spring with interactive learning from TPT

Spring is ready to give your classroom a new fresh look. Sweep winter out the window by exploring spring resources from TPT Teacher-Authors for elementary learners. You’ll be able to smell the summer just over the horizon. 

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